As part of the actions defined in the agreement number 08/23/21 published in the DOF 08/20/2021 "by which various provisions are established for the development of the 21-22 school year and to resume activities of the educational public service in a face-to-face, responsible and orderly, and comply with the plans and study programs of basic education (preschool, primary and secondary), normal and others for the training of basic education teachers applicable to the entire republic, as well as those plans and study programs, as well as those individuals with authorization or recognition of official validity of studies, for the benefit of the students"; we inform you of the following:
Once the documentary information that accompanies the process of verifying the report of personnel who received the vaccine against the SARS-COV2 virus for the prevention of COVID-19 has been reviewed, it is determined that your workplace is feasible to start with face-to-face operations. , respecting at all times the indications issued in the applicable regulations set forth in this document.
Due to the above, the Safe Return to Classes (RSC) badge is awarded, which identifies it as a safe and committed school in the area of its competence to comply with the educational public service.